Information on primary glaucoma, the scoring system and how the test is performed can be found on the BVA website. and also the Kennel Club website. Please note that in April 2016, the Kennel Club have recommended that gonioscopy is carried out every three years due to the progressive nature of the disease. 40 Eye Panellists are available across the UK. In January 2010 the Kennel Club and British Veterinary Association also announced another change specifically for KC Assured Breeders. All breeds on Schedule A must be eye screened within 12 months prior to the date of mating. The Assured Breeder Scheme rules will be altered to account for these changes. Previous test results can be found in the spreadsheet below. 

Grade 0: Normal iridocorneal angle (ICA) with no/minimal (0%-<1%) pectinate ligament abnormality.
Unaffected, normal iridocorneal angle - highly unlikely to develop primary glaucoma.  Suitable for breeding.
Grade 1:  1-25% of ICA affected by PLA.
Mildly affected - unlikely to develop primary glaucoma. Suitable for breeding.
Grade 2 26-75% of ICA affected by PLA.
Moderately affected - low risk of developing primary glaucoma.
Breed specific advice required if breeding considered.
 Grade 3:  >75% of ICA affected, and/or severe narrowing of ICA.
Severely affected - highest risk of developing primary glaucoma. Not recommended for breeding. 
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